The State of the Event Industry 5 Months Into COVID-19

The State of the Event Industry 5 Months Into COVID-19

Change is life’s only certainty. This old adage rings more true in today’s times than ever before. And here at cred, we’ve been working hard to not only track these changes but also provide our partners and followers with the best strategies to tackle.

Our CEO, Caitlin provided some great insights into the conference industry in a blog post in May. Two months later, we’re sharing the latest finds based on our State of Events Survey, distributed to our community of 7,000+ leaders in communications, conference planning, and event marketing.

TNW Couch Conferences: 5 Online Events. 6 Weeks. 90+ Countries.

TNW Couch Conferences: 5 Online Events. 6 Weeks. 90+ Countries.

While summer is typically full of barbecues, warm weather, and vacations, the summer of 2020 is full of social distancing, wearing masks...and virtual events.

The Next Web (TNW) puts on one of the biggest and best tech festivals in the world, but after postponing their annual event this year due to COVID (which has since moved it online), The team got creative with how to reach the international tech community this summer from the comfort of their couch.

Bowery Capital Events are Back (and Virtual!): The Bowery Capital Marketing Summit

Bowery Capital Events are Back (and Virtual!): The Bowery Capital Marketing Summit

Times have changed and our clients have adapted with the help of cred’s event management team. Last week, our team completed Bowery Capital’s first virtual event: the 2020 Marketing Summit. After the initial plans for an in-person event to be held in New York had to be scrapped, we shifted gears into virtual-mode and got to work reimagining what these long-running events would look like online.

The hard work more than paid off last week when the Bowery Capital Marketing Summit kicked off on Zoom with a dozen expert marketers broadcasting to nearly 200 registrants—the largest a Bowery Capital event has ever seen.

Speaking 101: How to Foster Networking at Your Virtual Event

Speaking 101: How to Foster Networking at Your Virtual Event

We know that content is key, but the meaningful connections that attendees walk away with are the ultimate key to your event’s success. Of attendees polled at Bizzabo’s (Almost) In-Person conference, 41% of attendees reported that networking is the in-person aspect most difficult to adapt to virtual events.

While we agree this is a significant challenge, impactful virtual networking is possible. With technologies evolving to cater to the virtual experience, we’re sharing five tools and strategies to foster networking at your next virtual event!

COVID-19 and the State of Events: cred’s Resources for Speakers and Event Organizers

COVID-19 and the State of Events: cred’s Resources for Speakers and Event Organizers

Over the past month, the events industry has changed drastically: in-person events are put on hold, and events large and small are moving online. This means changes for speakers, event organizers, and event attendees.

These are uncertain times, but our team is certain of one thing: while we’re looking forward to the return of live events, this shift to digital opens up a whole new world of opportunity for online events and virtual thought leadership.

Speaking 101: How to Create a Visually Engaging Presentation

Speaking 101: How to Create a Visually Engaging Presentation

Preparing for an event comes with a long checklist of tasks, and creating a visually engaging presentation can often be a stressful one. Catching your audiences’ eye is one obstacle, but keeping it is another. Having a visually engaging presentation is an easy way to help your audience absorb and retain the information you will be speaking about.

Speaking 101: Tips to Be an Effective Virtual Speaker

Speaking 101: Tips to Be an Effective Virtual Speaker

Switching up your speaking strategy can be a daunting task—especially when it calls for shifting away from being on stage, and toward being on screen. In this time of extreme global uncertainty, many conferences and events are either being canceled, postponed, or moving to virtual—from Facebook’s F8, to Google’s Cloud Next, to Austin’s famed SXSW (see our running list of events here). As the events industry looks to tackle the challenges wrought by COVID-19, the question stands: how can speakers stay ahead of the curve while also doing their part to flatten it?

Speaking 101: Connecting Beyond the Digital World

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The live experience is not dead.

While we can listen to free music on Spotify, we jump at the chance to see our favorite bands in concert. While we can FaceTime family from across the country, we endure the pains of traveling to spend the holidays together. While we can go on YouTube to watch keynotes and presentations, we travel to different cities to  hear thought leaders share their ideas live.

Why? Technology allows for valuable connection, but in-person interactions create irreplaceable and authentic experiences outside of the digital world. An Eventbrite study found 78% of millennials  are fueling the “experience economy”—spending more money on experiences rather than materials.

Here are four reasons why it’s valuable and important to attend events in today’s digital era.:

1. Learning IRL Instead of URL

Listening to a speaker in person offers a rich opportunity to actively watch, listen, and receive information. According to a recent Forbes article, “like artists, the best speakers are original and relevant in the moment. You can’t get that online. The best reinforce a mission, catalyze an audience, even inspire action.” Face-to-face interactions help motivate and mobilize people, rather than just being another message on the other side of a screen.

2. Networking

Nothing beats gathering people in one place in real life. According to The Muse, “conferences are one of the single best ways to network.” Instead of having to come up with an icebreaker, a conference provides a common topic to chat about: the conference itself!

You may not only make new connections, but also could potentially make new friends. Thirty percent of millennials say they met someone at a live event that became a good friend. Who knows, the conversations you have at an event may be even more valuable than the content.

3. Ask Questions, Get Answers

When a session includes a quick Q&A, make sure to bring your questions! While you may already follow a speaker on Twitter or have their email address, make the effort to introduce yourself personally and ask a question directly. The answer they provide face-to-face may be more extensive than over a tweet or email. Conferences allow for direct access to experts and thought leaders seen on stage.

Events allow you not only to gain insight from speakers, but also from other industry professionals. Gather intel from fellow attendees on topics and ideas that are of interest to you. Translate those insights into actionable takeaways that you can implement at your company.

4. A Change of Scenery

How often do you actually set aside time to learn something new relating to your field or industry? Conferences and events offer the opportunity to embrace a posture of learning. Take advantage of listening, asking questions, and participating in discussions at events. Embrace the change of scenery and extract all that you can from the experience.

People appreciate live experiences, even with an abundance of online content available. Watching videos from behind a screen is not the same as watching a speaker live from the audience. People truly value the event experience: learning from speakers in live settings, networking with other attendees, and implementing relevant takeaways.  

Interested in attending more events? See where we’re speaking next and subscribe to our monthly newsletter today!