cred Book Club: Books That Inspired Us

cred Book Club: Books That Inspired Us

While we’ve been happily swamped with virtual conferences, managing speaking opportunities, and all else events-related, the people of cred have fortunately still found time to cross a few books off our reading lists.

We’d like to share some of our top reads with you! Whether you’re looking to focus on personal development, give your brain a break from the world, or find something interesting to chat about during your next Zoom happy hour, we’ve got you covered.

cred Book Club: What We’re Reading During Women’s History Month 

cred Book Club: What We’re Reading During Women’s History Month 

As a nod to Women’s History Month, we had originally planned to share a few of our favorite nonfiction picks highlighting the lives of women, and now, as many of us plan to spend most of our time social distancing, cozying up with a good book sounds better than ever.

Looking for your next read? Here are just a few of the books we’re devouring, filing with highlights and margin notes, and (virtually) discussing with our friends and colleagues.