Speaking 101: How to Crush Your Podcast Interview


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Congratulations! You’ve accepted an invitation to do a podcast interview on an awesome show. So how do you make sure you record a top-notch interview? Don’t worry—cred has you covered! 

Podcasting has been on a steady rise for over a decade now and is here to stay. By 2024, it’s predicted that the number of worldwide monthly listeners will surge to over 500 million! With over 2 million podcasts in circulation and more than 48 million episodes available, you’ll need more than a great story to catch a listener’s attention. 

Set yourself up for a killer interview with these six tips:

1. Do your homework. Researching the show is step 1 of a great interview and will give you confidence going into the recording since you’ll know what to expect. Here’s a checklist of questions to ask before the show:

  • What is the main focus? 

  • Who is the host and what’s their background? 

  • Who’s the audience?

  • Listen to a few episodes and get a sense of the conversational style. Which episode was your favorite and why? 

  • Can we re-record sections if I goof up?

  • Can I get a list of interview questions?

Being fully prepared with answers to these questions will put you in the best position to nail any interview. 

2. Set up a high-quality recording environment. You’ll be surprised as to just how many interviews are hindered by bad audio. Even the best content can’t overcome a bad recording; it’s an immediate turn-off. This doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor! A small investment goes a long way to ensuring clear audio. First off, you’ll need a proper microphone. Your Airpods and headphones mics are not meant to deliver high-quality audio and, for around $100, you can pick up an interview microphone that will result in a clear, crisp recording. 

Next, make sure you have a dedicated space free from background noises and distractions. You should have enough space to have your notes in front of you along with your microphone, computer, and a glass of water. Make sure it’s a space you feel comfortable and focused in. 

3. Set the tone with your introduction. You’ll almost always have an opportunity to introduce yourself and tell your story, so have your elevator pitch perfected! Best way to do that? Write it down! Remember, the audience can’t see your notes, so feel free to have them in front of you. Record and listen to yourself giving your intro. Try different ways of delivering your talk and see which one you like best. Rehearse it in front of a mirror and get feedback from friends. Make sure it sounds natural and organic, not robotic. Lastly, have a hook that draws the audience in and makes them want to learn more. 

4. Deliver amazing content. Now that you’ve launched the interview with an exciting intro, use your prep to have answers to questions that help you stand apart from the crowd. What is it that makes your story unique? Why should the audience care about you and what you offer? What are some key takeaways your host and the audience will gain from listening to you? Every interview is an opportunity to share your message and unique perspective with the world, so make it count!

5. Remember this is a conversation—and not a monologue. What’s interesting about an interview is the dynamic between the host and the guest. It’s a dialogue with a natural back and forth that draws people in. Remember that people will most likely be more familiar with the host than you, so allow them to guide the conversation. After all, they know their audience best! A good host knows how to bring out engaging discussions, so trust them to do that and they’ll trust that you know your stuff and will offer valuable insights. 

6. Be confident. You’ve got this. Relax and enjoy! Get lots of sleep and hydrate. Be yourself, be vulnerable, and be authentic. If you’ve gotten this far, you’ll be on your way to one amazing interview. Extra points for thanking your host at the end of the interview in an email or phone call afterward, as even a small interview can go a long way.

Looking to add more podcasts in your future? Contact us to hear about how we can get you there.