Keeping You On Track: A Full List of Events Going Virtual


Over the last three months, we've seen the entire world hop on the virtual train, and the event industry was no different. Now, events like Collision, Developer Week, and Grace Hopper are pivoting their conferences from in-person to online. In fact, according to our events database, almost 25% of all scheduled 2020 conferences have decided to take their event virtual.

To help you keep track of which event has made the switch to digital, below is our ongoing list of events that are now online.

Explore the "COVID-19 ONLINE Events " view on Airtable.

While online events, podcasts, and webinars have been a great way to connect with others and gain insights during this time, we think virtual is here to stay, and expect to see web-based events remain a staple of the events industry long after COVID-19. 

Interested in speaking at a virtual event? Or hosting your own digital event? Get in touch