Did you know that each year there are over 3,500 industry events? Let us help you choose the best ones to attend, speak, or sponsor with a curated list.
Our process
Let us get to know you: The first step in curating a list of virtual/in-person events, is to fill out this form. We have an event database of over 16,000 events and this forms helps us narrow down the types of events you’re looking for.
Follow up: Team member will connect with you in 24 - 48 hours with any additional follow up questions. During this time they’ll send over a price quote for the events that you’d like to receive.
Your list: Once you’ve paid the quote, we’ll go ahead and send over the curated list that you requested. The list will include the names of the events, cities, and dates. If you’d like more/different info, please request that, and pricing might change.
We're happy to build out a custom proposal based on the number of events and additional info that you’d like. Our baseline fees are as follows:
101-500 (in-person events) —$20
101-500 (virtual events) —$20
101-500 (in-person & virtual events) —$20
500+ (in-person events) —$20
500+ (virtual events) —$20
500+(in-person & virtual events) —$20
1 - 50 (in-person events) —$20
1- 50 (virtual events) —$20
1 - 50 (in-person & virtual events) —$20
51-100 (in-person events) —$20
51 -100 (virtual events) —$20
51-100 (in-person & virtual events) —$20